Earth Warrior Oracle Cards


Earth Warriors Oracle taps into universal tribal wisdom and pure spiritual guidance to empower your soul with courage and optimism to discover the Earth Warrior within and fulfil its sacred purpose.

Rise of the Soul Tribe of Sacred Guardians & Inspired Visionaries

Earth Warriors are practitioners of the medicine way. We tune into the earth medicines of energy, crystals, plants and animals, of sacred places and sacred sounds, of spiritual lineages and ancestral wisdoms. Earth Warriors attend to the sacred inner work of healing. Healing our selves and our ancestral lines through working on inherited issues and choosing to create a new way forward. Earth Warriors are healing the consciousness that the human collective manifests on our planet. We are offering our path to the higher purpose of loving wisdom, to ensure a legacy for future generations and to honour the gift of Life.

"Earth Warriors Oracle was so moving to write. I laughed, I cried, I had tingles, it was quite something! I was guided into so many rich tribal cultures and granted access to wisdom that is both radical and ancient. I found it to be a deeply transformative, uplifting and wild feminine experience. I am honoured to be able to share this new creation with you featuring the incredible art of Isabel Bryna (whom I stalked on Etsy hoping that she would agree to participate in the project)."

This oracle is about courage, hope, beauty and sacred fire to fulfil our divine destiny. Together we are birthing a new paradigm of love and higher consciousness, instead of fear, hate and greed. This new world is gaining ground, becoming stronger, yet it also needs its protectors during this precious and important time of birth. Earth Warriors are the guardians, guides and way-showers for the new world, inspiring all people to prosper and thrive in harmony with the wisdom of life.