Aether Gotu Kola Powder



Gotu Kola is without a doubt one of the most powerful weeds we know of. This extremely fast growing and tenacious plant is cherished in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, and is mentioned in many ancient pharmacopoeia's from around the world.

The first known users of gotu kola and the origin of its name come from sri lanka, where locals noted that elephants - renowned for their longevity, would eat the plant. Gotu Kola became a staple in their diets and a few leaves were eaten a day in hopes of increasing lifespan. Gotu Kola's first written mention is in the Chinese Shennong Herbal roughly 1800 years ago where it is

referred to as -the fountain of life. In China a legend boasts of a Chinese herbalist named Li Ching-Yuen, who at the age of thirteen embarked upon a life of gathering herbs in the mountains, he consumed gotu kola every day, along with other herbs and practiced the art of qigong. He lectured and practised TCM until his death in 1933 at the age of 256

In the ayurvedic medicine practice, it is among only a few herbs that is tri-doshic - brings balance to all three body types, vata, pitta, and kapha.

Gotu kola has a particularly long list of traditional uses including disorders of the mind ( Alzheimer’s), mental fatigue, anxiety, depression, memory loss, and insomnia. as well as improved circulation, wound healing and detoxification.

The main active components of gotu kola, accounting for 1-8% of the constituents, include asiatic acid, madecassic acid, asiaticoside, asiaticoside A, and asiaticoside B

Asiaticoside derivatives, including asiatic acid and asiaticoside 6, were shown to reduce hydrogen peroxide-induced cell death, decrease free radical concentrations, and inhibit beta amyloid cell death, suggesting a role for gotu kola in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease

Cognitive enhancing properties are also seen from the use of gotu kola as an increase in neuronal growth is found. This is due to activating a class of proteins known as MAPKs, which causes a release in a growth factor for neurons called Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor. This amazing longevity herb also augments the release of anti-inflammatory signalling molecules from immune cells known as IL-1β which help with chronic circulation issues.

This phenomenal herbal ally is grown around the world as a vital source of nutrition and medicine.

Due to it thriving in temperate and tropical conditions, it has become rampant in many parts of south africa

Known as a troublesome weed to most this herb grows in many gardens and flowerbeds.

We grow as well as wild harvest gotu kola - we produce a powdered supplement along with a dual hydro-ethanolic extraction to concentrate this herbs amazing properties



Gotu Kola Powder
Centella asiatica
± 60g - 70g

Take ½ teaspoon once a day
up to 3 teaspoons for chronic ailments



Gotu kola is POSSIBLY SAFE in pregnant women when applied to the skin. However, not enough is known about the safety of taking gotu kola by mouth during pregnancy. Avoid taking gotu kola by mouth if you are pregnant
If you are uncertain about herbal interactions consult your health care provider before use

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