Aether Camu Camu Powder


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This revered Amazonian fruit has only recently become famous throughout the world because of its very high vitamin C content, however the berries of the camu camu tree have been used by traditional Amazonian Indians for hundreds of years.

The main habitat of the Camu Camu shrub is on the border of Peru and Brazil, where it thrives in the swampy flood plains of the amazonian rainforest. Because this shrub grows over rivers and water ways it is an ideal fruit for fish, and it is thought that its name originates from the onomatopoeic sound a fish makes when it plucks one of these fruits from the surface of the water or from a low hanging branch. The fish are also thought to be responsible for dispersing the plant throughout the rainforest through their favoring of the fruit.

The camu camu berry was utilized in traditional medicine but not very extensively. Indigenous people of the rainforest did not advocate the fruit very much because of its sour and acidic taste. Therefore there is not much history on tribal remedies regarding this fantastic fruit, other than its use as a pain reliever, treatment for infection, and to promote long life. After 1957 when the enormous vitamin C content was discovered in camu camu the ministry of Public Health in Peru conducted their first nutritional survey of this highly nutritious and medicinal berry. Almost overnight, camu camu became an indispensable fruit internationally

The camu camu fruit is rich in Vitamin C and contains up to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange (750% of our daily recommendation per teaspoon). The camu camu berry is also an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and various amino acids. Besides the vitamin and mineral content, the fruit is also rich in anthocyanins and ellagic acids, flavonoids and has very strong anti oxidant activity.

Camu Camu's vitamin C content is by far its stand out compound - currently the highest known vitamin c food in the world. Ascorbic acid ( Vit C) stimulates white blood cell production, which significantly boosts the immune system, and is also a key component in collagen production, which helps to repair and develop cells, tissues, and organs. Camu camu is also well known for its ability to improve liver health,

Due to the presence of a compound called 1-methylmalate which aids in treating liver injury, fighting against liver disease and malfunction of the liver. Camu camu has also been found to be beneficial for depression as vitamin C is a cofactor required for the conversion of tryptophan to 5-hydroxytryptophan in serotonin production. This amazing berry also has powerful antioxidants and antivirals which can help fight against gum diseases, and Carotenoids specifically slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and visual acuity loss.

Our Camu Camu Powder is imported from South American to ensure sustainability and the quality of the herb.



Camu Camu Powder
Myrciaria dubia
± 60g - 70g

Take ½ teaspoon once a day
up to 3 teaspoons for chronic ailments



Camu Camu is considered safe for most
If you are uncertain about herbal interactions consult your health care provider before use

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